Friday, 17 July 2009

...a smoke free pub

Its been 6 months since my last cigarette.

Hooray for Me!

I don't miss 'em much any more either. About a month ago when I was thinking about it, I thought Gee I haven't had a craving for a while. And it's true. My usual ten per day after coffee/meals/with beer cravings have largely disappeared. Who would have thunk it?

I must be lucky because I can honestly say it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. It was hard, just not agonising. I was sure I had become a 'rusted on' smoker, 20 per day, 30 with booze for fifteen years. I guess I figured out how to play the right mindgames to convince myself that I don't smoke.

Its amazing what willpower can do. That and $783 of hypnotherapy.

Though I do wonder why I start pretending to be a chicken everytime someone says the word "satay".

Brrrk.... Brrrrrk...

Happy weekend!


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At 17 July 2009 at 14:20 , Blogger Silver said...

I'm really glad it's working for you!

I am glad most people will envy what you';re saying. willpower and $783 of hypnotherapy. If that's your seret, i'm sure most will want to try that too!


At 17 July 2009 at 14:20 , Blogger Kath Lockett said...

Good for you, Pub Daddy! Bet your loved one has enjoyed snogging you more these days, post ash-tray breath....

Chocolate, alas, has only been three weeks for me. In that time I've had two tastes - 6 squares each time. Bloody hard though.

At 17 July 2009 at 18:21 , Blogger Louise Bowers said...

Well done. I gave them up a long time ago. I've just got booze, crack cocaine and nuclear weapons to work on next. But one day at a time.

At 17 July 2009 at 23:12 , Blogger Romeo Morningwood said...

I was an 8/day puffer until my BFFF (pack/day man) had a stroke 8 weeks ago. Quit there and then although the little addict genes are still whispering, "C'mon you only had 8 a day, you had it under control! Now you're getting fat"

Now that I've hit my 50s I have noticed in the obits that men start droppin' like rocks...but if you can squeak through your 50s the chances are very high that you make it to your 70s! Who knew?

At 18 July 2009 at 08:51 , Blogger Baino said...

Man I'm still puffing. I've thought about hypnotherapy . . do you reckon that's what worked?

At 18 July 2009 at 10:05 , Blogger mapstew said...

Good on ya!
5 years now meself, and I hate the smell of the things!
Did the whole putting on weight thing, but lost it all again.
Keep it up.

At 19 July 2009 at 17:36 , Blogger Lad Litter said...

Well done. I was off them for three years. Smoked a lot more dope to compensate, then lit up after four cars ran into the back of me in East Bentleigh. Thinking seriously about hypnotherapy now.

At 21 July 2009 at 12:09 , Blogger Cinema Minima said...

Cheers Silver

K-licious - We both have. The Wife at the Pub was a smoker too, though not as heavy as me. Good luck with the choccies, or lack of them.

Li-Lo - Nuclear disarmament should be a slow process.

Donn - Welcome. BFFF? Anyway, well done. Older guys do tend to burn out fairly quickly. Cheers, to a long a happy life.

Baino - It definately worked for me, that is, made it a lot easier for me. It's not a silver bullet, but it helped. It gave me the confidence not to smoke. But they say it only works for 50% of people, though if you're keen, it's definately worth a go.

Mapstew - I thought it was almost compulsary for musos to smoke. I've put on a few kilos myself. I've just got to get around to the whole losing it again bit.

Lad Litter - Just one to calm the nerves hey? Bugger. I hope I don't get tested like that. Good luck. I can recommend my guy in Camberwell if you like. 3 sessions at $261 each. Paid off in three months (but no guarantees).

At 22 July 2009 at 17:58 , Blogger Catastrophe Waitress said...

good show!

i gave up cold turkey back in February and i've not had a single one since. i think that when you make up your mind, that's it.

At 22 July 2009 at 17:59 , Blogger Catastrophe Waitress said...

but i just LOVE that commercial with the cute little nicotine craving creatures. my kids love it too.

it makes smoking look so damn cute!
what? oh.


At 23 July 2009 at 14:10 , Blogger Melanie Myers said...

Well done! I wish some friends of mine could muster up the same will power. But the thing is, I guess, you have to want to quit in the first place. God-mucking awful filthy habit. Hate cigarettes with something like a passion.


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