Wednesday, 25 August 2010


What is it with 'swinging voters'? Have they no conviction? Have they no loyalty?

Do they change football team mid-season because their team is having a bad run? Because they don't like the current coach? True supporters know that you have to take the bad with the good. Gah!

Someone once said that the people get the government they deserve. I like that saying, and it would seem Australians don't actually deserve a functional government, which is probably about right. The downside is that now the nation will have its decisions made by three cranky farmers and a gay hippy (not that there's anything wrong with being a gay hippy), so congratulations to those who live in their electorates.

Ah, Australia. Disfunctional one day, off the rails the next.

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At 26 August 2010 at 12:39 , Blogger Kath Lockett said...

Ah man, as a 'swinger' myself, I feel pretty damn proud to be living in the seat of Melbourne right now :)

The Greens had me when Julia decided to jump onto the 'let's win the lowest common denominator' bandwagon and waste valuable time wittering on about people smugglers (their sugar-coated term for 'Stop The Boats'), no gay marriage (how hard would that be - as cheap and as easy as Kev saying 'sorry') and forgetting to do a damn thing about addressing climate change for the past three years.

That's why I swing, baby!

At 26 August 2010 at 21:13 , Blogger Cinema Minima said...

Ha Ha! Fair enough. The football analogy is a bit of a stretch when you apply it to politics anyway. In fact, I must admit I've voted for the Greens a few times, so I guess I've experimented with swinging too. Disregard this post people!

It is good to see the Greens challenging the entrenched two-party system. It will be interesting to see if they can hold on to their convictions though as they find themselves faced with some very hostile parliamentarians and a paranoid public. After all, Australia is an historically conservative country and most of it's citizens fear change, especially progressive change. Great to see the Greens shaking things up, a pivotal moment in social history perhaps?

At 29 August 2010 at 07:45 , Blogger Baino said...

What's to swing to and fro? Both parties are soppy and neither have a big enough point of difference to attract loyalty. Although I am concerned that someone like Bob Katter can have an influence on the balance of power. What a kerfuffle we're in.

At 31 August 2010 at 19:47 , Blogger Louise Bowers said...

I like both parties. Actually I like parties. But not swingers parties. Well not lately!!

At 1 September 2010 at 20:45 , Blogger Femikneesm said...

Hear hear.

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