...r.i.p. lazarus von spiffy
My Siamese Fighting Fish, Lazarus, died last night. He died in his sleep. The King is Dead! Long Live the King!
He looked a lot like this one.

He looked a lot like this one.

He'd been sick for a while, but it's still sad. Poor little Laz. He lived fast and died youngish. He'd been looking a bit sad and bloated for a few days. Now he's gone to that great rubbish bin in the garden.
But thats alright. I'll get a better one, and I'll call it Elvis. Here's hoping he has an unbloatable stomach.
Labels: pets
sounds like he had swim bladder.
you need to make sure Elvis eats his greens.
a better one!!
is it wrong to laugh?
at least you seem to be coping well with the loss.
get a red one.
i hear they swim faster.
Aww poor fushy. I always feel a bit sorry for Siamese Fighting Fish because they're so solitary . . I feel like Friday fush and chups now.
My condolences. Fish tanks are like TV - there are some true stars worth watching.
sorry for your loss :(
yes Elvis is a good name for the next one... at least if he dies he'll live again :)
I'd wait for the autopsy report, it could have been suicide or plain just forgot to breathe?
Poor Laz - your new header seems like a kind of tropical, fishy salute to him....?
All nice comments and wise words
Elaine-Spirulina is on the menu now.
projectivist-Turned out that Elvis is red, but i'm afraid not very fast.
baino-I've got mine in a peaceful community tank with tetras and loaches, though Elvis does look like he'd rather be alone sometimes.
Lad Litter - I like it, very much!
Ribbon-I like Elvis too. It suits him, though I'm afraid his stomach might bloat again in a self-fullfilling prophecy.
LL-Maybe. He was pretty stupid.
Kath-Just coincidence. It's just a big Loopy Luau here a the moment. Perhaps I should have called him 'The Big Kahuna'. Maybe the next one.
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