Friday, 21 August 2009

...they have the power!!!

Did you read this?

That's right folks. Apparently the internet is "not a free for all".

Somebody had better tell the internet. And I'd better take down all my bizarre-creepy-stalker-hate-blogs.

Also, in step with several other media outlets, due to rising cost of quality blogging, The Man at the Pub will soon be charging a subscription fee to it's readers. The fees are yet to be announced but full fee paying customers will receive 100% non-stop, hardcore pub action, plus this great T-shirt! For a lesser fee, readers can choose Pub-lite, a magazine-style bloggette full of past Pub gems and associated fluff, shite and cringe-worthy banter.

If you would like to join The Man at the Pub or Pub-Lite, please click on the following form, print it, fill it out and post to:

The Man at the Pub
That Little Cupboard Next to the Hot Water System
Melbourne 3001
Victoria, Australia

And happy Friday!


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At 21 August 2009 at 13:13 , Blogger Kath Lockett said...

Can I have the t-shirt?

At 21 August 2009 at 15:11 , Blogger Cinema Minima said...

Only if you give me all your monies.

(Actually, I kind of like the T-shirt too. Maybe I should get some made up, just for shits and giggles).

At 21 August 2009 at 18:12 , Blogger Louise Bowers said...

What's her name is worried about a blogger who calls her names? I'd be more worried about the guy who stabbed me in the face! If you can't make stuff up on the internet we will have to go back to crayons and butchers paper I'm afraid.


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